Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Have you ever had the chance to just google Canadian coupon websites? Well, try it. You are going to find this amazing website called Not only is it a blog where registered users can post new coupons found, amazing deals and freebies. Now the website has lots more then that, but it would take me forever to list them all. It's run by a Moderator by the "name" of Boo Radley. Absolutely an amazing guy that has provided like minded people with a medium to share all these deals, coupons, etc to better manage our finances. And yes, I have to admit I'm a registered user and have been since the fall of 2008, but I have saved so much money. Can you imagine the feeling of walking into a store knowing that you are going to walk out with something that you either paid nothing but the taxes or totally FREE to your family????? It's such a high. And it's a site so worth the time to check out. Take the time, look me up, and save yourself some money from the tips that others share. You will thank yourself, regardless of your age!

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