Have you spent any time in the Dollarama recently? Gee, I just LOVE shopping at Dollarama. After the price changes earlier this year, you can now purchase quite a few items that will be no more then $2 each. How can you go wrong?

I know it's not the normal thing, but you can get some pretty mean electronic items there. I mean seriously, can you beat $2 for batteries? What about a cell phone case? $1.50. Try getting that price at Bell (good luck). Phone extension cords are a favorite in my house too. I guess that is what happens when your phone lives in the dining room and you want to get into the fridge for a drink (a LOOONG way away from the dining room....LOL).

Kids crafts. Another fav of mine. All of our babies are grown and gone now, but most of our friends are in the process of young ones. There is nothing worse then having to "lug" toys to just have a coffee when you are on your way to visit with our house, so for less then $20, we have been able to create a "basket" with tons of scrapbooking crafty ideas that keeps most kids busy and happy. And give's mommy a chance for a "kid free" coffee (as if that would ever happen!)
And when you are in the store, trip down the aisle where they keep there toiletries, bath and health and beauty. You would be so pleasantly surprised to see the kind of deals that you can find that are so much more cheaper then shopping in other stores. Try finding nail polish remover for $1 anywhere else (and yes, that is what I paid for it!)
I love dollar stores. And a lot of people I know shop there. There are times that people call me cheap, strange (because I use coupons), or just down right weird. But as I have said before, I would much rather the money stay with my family then be in some retailer's bottom line. Besides, frugality is a way of life. An option, but a good one.