It's easy to say that you are saving money by using coupons, gift cards and weekly sales, but actually how much are you saving? I know that there have been a few receipts that I have kept because of the IMPRESSIVE savings on them, but I'm sure they are the exception to the rule generally speaking.
So, as a lark, I thought I would keep track of my savings since the beginning of October to actually see how much I would have spent had I have paid the advertised price for the item in question. I have to say though, I'm not factoring in the regular retail price, but starting the equation with the sale price that I find (because most of the things I buy are on sale first and foremost) and subtracting the value of the coupon and or gift card (that I have not paid for because it's a gift)used to purchase the item.
So here is the fun numbers. SINCE THE BEGINNING OF OCTOBER MY FAMILY HAS SAVED A GRAND TOTAL OF $40.54!!!! Which is 25% of our total grocery bill. I've been shopping (and stashing) lots of products over the last few years so I do have many cupboards full of canned food, cleaning supplies, smellies and health and beauty items, so I'm at the stage where I only buy what we need (but multiplies of it if we do). And our shopping has been minimal because of that. BUT, I'm happy with the savings so far this month.
I'll be keeping everyone posted with the new totals every now and then. I want to see what my yearly total is going to be because I'm putting the savings into a "jam jar" just to physically show my husband that I'm not wasting my time. LOL.
Happy Thursday everyone!