I spend a lot of time on the internet and lately I've been finding a lot of Canadian summer contests. Now and again I've entered these internet contests, but generally speaking I haven't. Surprisingly enough though in the last two weeks, I've spent a LARGE amount of time entering them.
Did you know that Scotia Bank has a new contest out there that you enter once and could potentially win $5,000 towards your existing mortgage? Or to help with your down payment on a new (to you) home? And even if you are not in the market for a home, a cheque to you for $5,000!
What about the La Grille contest I've seen lately. Another good one. And this isn't from trying to find these contests, this is just from looking at one site or another.
So, here is my motor running............. why not do a search on canadian contests. AND WOW! Can you imagine the number of sites that popped up. So I thought just for the sake of it, I'm going to do some entering. I mean, someone has to win, right? And you can't win if you don't play!
So wish me luck, I hope to see $5,000 in my future (my mortgage will look good with that kind of lump sum payment dropped on it), or perhaps a new set of Calloway golf clubs (and no, I don't play well, but I am using a borrowed set).