Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Have you ever had the chance to just google Canadian coupon websites? Well, try it. You are going to find this amazing website called Not only is it a blog where registered users can post new coupons found, amazing deals and freebies. Now the website has lots more then that, but it would take me forever to list them all. It's run by a Moderator by the "name" of Boo Radley. Absolutely an amazing guy that has provided like minded people with a medium to share all these deals, coupons, etc to better manage our finances. And yes, I have to admit I'm a registered user and have been since the fall of 2008, but I have saved so much money. Can you imagine the feeling of walking into a store knowing that you are going to walk out with something that you either paid nothing but the taxes or totally FREE to your family????? It's such a high. And it's a site so worth the time to check out. Take the time, look me up, and save yourself some money from the tips that others share. You will thank yourself, regardless of your age!

Monday, March 22, 2010

Where are the Wii's?????

So into Shoppers I go thinking that I will be either purchasing a Wii with my bonus points, OR at least finding out about a store that does have them. NO! That doesn't happen. Instead, I go and see that there are 2 empty Wii boxes as display items. No Wii's. Up to the counter I go, and am told that they are in VERY short supply. Now isn't that interesting. So no Wii this bonus redemption day. I wasn't all that happy. But that is ok. I made it through all right. I'm just going to keep collecting my points and maybe one day I'll be able to own on. It's just not going to be this weekend.

Friday, March 19, 2010

It's BONUS redemption Time again!

Tomorrow I go shopping. I have enough points now to get $300 free from Shoppers. Oh, and I SO getting my Wii. I truly can't wait, and I really believe that my husband is going to love it. Especially knowing that his 50th is this year. Maybe I can get him some games that he might like to play????? Thank goodness for free point cards. I wouldn't be able to do things like this without it. How many points cards do people have in their wallet? I know that I personally have four that I use at least once a week, if not more. And each one does a different thing. My SDM card (free Wii), my HBC card (converts to Airmiles), of course my Airmiles card (free groceries for the house), and now my petro points card that gives me free CAA $$ to apply towards my purchase of CAA once a year. In just 3.5 months I've already accumulated $5 towards that. It's going to be a nice savings this year. And people say that these loyalty cards don't add up to much. I say they are wrong!

Can you beat this kind of deal? I think NOT!

So I go to Sears last night because quite honestly, with all the exercise that I have been doing over the last year, I felt my pants were not fitting at all. As a matter of fact, I was a size 14 before I started at the gym. So here it is 53 weeks later, and I thought I would take a look at their clearance section. I found two pairs of pants there, and a regularly priced pair for $49.99 (with 30% off). First, can you imagine my complete happiness to know that I dropped down to a size 8. A SIZE 8! I've not seen that in my closet for at least 10 years. AND, not only did I get that surprise, but lo and behold, don't I get some bargains on top of everything else. I paid (all prices include taxes) $13.44 for the first pair, $21.35 for the second, and $39.54 for the third. A total of $74.33. You just can't beat that for high quality dress pants for work! It was such a great day all around. Thank you thank you thank you for the weight loss!!!!!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Smartsource Flyer

Do you know what gets my goat? They advertise that this coupon flyer will be in the paper on a specific date. And it's NEVER there until the following weekend in my weekend paper. I find that so frustrating. Especially this time because there is a coupon in the flyer that I could be using to get FREE razors for Christmas baskets. Oh well. What is a girl to do? Go shopping!
So, it's Tuesday morning, and I'm getting over a cold. I've got a meeting tonight for the Relay for Life, and I'm not feeling the best. To top it all off, I've got to work today. So the day hasn't started out all that well. No matter, if you are given lemons, make lemonade......RIGHT? So, time to stop whining, and try to find something positive to dwell on. For example, the email that I received last night letting me know about the secret 20x Optimimum event happening tomorrow at SDM. Now isn't that nice. I will be able to spend $50 and get 10,000 points. And that my friend brings me all the closer to getting my WII fit program. As it is, I have enough points for the Wii itself now. And I can't wait for the next redemption date so that I can own my new Wii. I'm even sure my husband is going to love that particular addition to the house. LOL.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Lets go shopping!

You have to love shopping if you shop with coupons. Off to Walmart I go this afternoon because I've heard some interesting rumors that they have some new dove coupons going on! And I do so love there product. Can you IMAGINE getting their stuff so much cheaper???? It's really good for the organization that they support, but even better for my families skin. Wish me luck!